God Jokes
Amish Woman Driver – An Amish lady trots down the road in her horse and buggy when a cop pulls her over. "Ma’am," says…
St. Peter Asks the Blondes About Easter – Three blondes…
Act of God – After his wife had a baby,…
Christmas Cop – On Christmas morning, a cop on horseback sits at a traffic light…
Y2K Nostalgia – Boris Yeltsin, Bill Clinton, and Bill Gates were invited on the eve…
What’s the Difference? – A very old, but respected man walked into a local tavern.…
Dubya, Obviously Not Jewish – One day George W. went out to dinner with a…
Father Christmas? – Why doesn’t Santa Claus have any kids? Cause he only comes once…
Did you hear about the dyslexic devil… – Did you hear about the dyslexic devil…
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Discontinued Jelly Bean Flavors – 1. Gangrene 2. New Car 3. Burn Victim 4. Dimetapp…
Biting – A man was in a bar all day and he had to use…
Michael Jackson and Santa – Q: What do Michael Jackson and Santa have in common?A:…
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Robot Booty Call… Beep – At the sound of the beep, I can pleasure you…
Farm Fugitives – A Welshman, an Englishman and a Irishman were being chased by Farmer…
Condom/Coffin – Q: What is the difference between a condom and a coffin? A: One…
Yeehaw! The Alabama Lottery! – Did you hear about the Alabama Lottery? You can win…
Mommy, Mommy! – "Mommy, Mommy! Where have all your scabs gone?" "Shut up and eat…
Bass Player – Q. How do you know when your bass player arrives? A. He…
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