God Jokes

Beautiful Women Laughing Together

Switcheroo – A man dies and goes to Hell. The devil greets him and says,…

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That Fly – What went through the fly’s mind as he hit the windshield? His…

Woman in Purple Hat

Beyond Brown-Noser – Q: What’s the difference between a brown-noser and a sh*thead?A: Depth perception.

A Man Laughing

Girls Playing Hockey – Why can’t girls play hockey? Because their pads can’t last three…


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Confused Boy – Q: Why was the Egyptian boy confused?A: His daddy was really a…

Bad Drivers – There’s a senior citizen driving on the highway. His wife calls him…

Booty Call… Math – How about we add a bed, subtract our clothes, divide your…

A Child’s Prayer – One night, a father passed by his son’s room and heard…