God Jokes

Happy Couple Sitting by the Table with Cups of Coffee

Cursing Fish – One day, a priest decides to take a walk to the pier…

smiling woman in white crew neck shirt

Good Can of Corn – There were three couples, one elderly, one middle aged, and…

Photo of Man Smiling

That Damn Ham – A preacher’s wife goes to the butcher.The butcher asks if she’d…

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A Woman with Lipstick on her Face

Why Men Snore – Q: Why do men snore when they lie on their backs?A:…

Cute Woman Covering Mouth When Laughing

Your Pants – Once upon a time there were these two bums walking down the…

Man in Red Crew Neck Shirt Wearing Black Framed Sunglasses

Eating the Oldies – A: What does 70-year-old p***y taste like? A: Depends.


More Jokes

SAG Meeting – Q. What did saggy boob say to the other saggy boob? A.…

Men Are Like Wine – Men are like fine wine: They all start out as…

Boudreaux and Pedro – One day ole Boudreax was going out in his boat. Ole…