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    Doctor Jokes

    Woman in White Bikini Sitting on Beach

    Dentist – A woman met a man at a club and went back to his…

    Laughing Man in Traditional Clothing Holding a Vase

    Weekend Getaway – Willy, a mental patient, mimes driving a car as he runs through…

    Friends Holding Drinks in a Bar and Laughing

    The Fridge – Bertha was worried about her husband George, so one day she took…

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    woman in red and white floral shirt smiling

    Geriatric Halloween – There was an old couple who hadn’t celebrated Halloween in a long…


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    Brown Military – Q: What’s brown and in the military?A: Gomer’s pile.

    Bovine Hijinx – What do cows do for fun? They go to MOO-vies!

    Cheap Cat – One day, a man walks into a bar with an ostrich and…