Dirty Jokes
When married there are 3 types of sex: at first it’s “all room” sex. Then after kids, it’s “bedroom” sex. The final stage is…
Two elderly men, who had been without enjoyment for years,…
Canadian Style – Why do Canadians do it doggie-style? So…
Thank You For Flying With Us – A 747 was starting its descent and the…
XXX Blondes – Q: What does XXX stand for in a porno film?A: It’s the…
Arkansas Fertility – Q: Why are there no fertility clinics in Arkansas?A: Sooner or later,…
Free Sex with Fill Up – Two good ol’ boys were driving down the road…
Related Deaths – Two guys show up in Heaven at the same time. The first…
Seek and Ye Shall Find… – On a senior citizens bus tour, while the passengers…
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How does herpes leave the hospital? – How does herpes leave the hospital? On crotches.
Dog Abilities – Q: Why do dogs lick their balls?A: Because they can.Q: So why…
First impressions are everything – Q: What did the prositutes knee say to the other?…
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Yo’ Mama Is So Ugly… Indecent Exposure – Yo’ Mama is so ugly, she gets…
Filthy Parrot Changes His Tune – A quiet, polite man owns a disgusting, foul mouthed…
77 – Why is 77 better than 69? ‘Cause you get 8 more!
Hitler Abstains – Q. Why didn’t Hitler drink tequila? A. Cause it made him mean.
Take My Wife, Please – * The last fight was my fault. My wife asked,…
Obviously, She Never Flossed – A hillbilly is sitting in a bar, drinking, when a…
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