Dirty Jokes
When married there are 3 types of sex: at first it’s “all room” sex. Then after kids, it’s “bedroom” sex. The final stage is…
Two elderly men, who had been without enjoyment for years,…
Big Tongue – What do you call a lesbian with…
Smartass Record Shop – A lady walks into the local record store. "Do you have…
Code for Love – There was a couple who did not want their children to…
Age 54 Snap – A college math professor and his wife are both 60 years…
The Pickle Factory – Bill has worked in a pickle factory for several years. One…
Fish Market – One day there was a blind man walking down the street and…
The Mailbox – A man moved into a new apartment, and he decided to go…
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Discontinued Jelly Bean Flavors – 1. Gangrene 2. New Car 3. Burn Victim 4. Dimetapp…
The Toothbrush Salesman – Three guys begin work at a toothbrush company as salesmen. Each…
Fine Fly Dining – Two flies sit on a pile of poop. One fly passes…
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The Golfer – The was a man named George who got a new job. His…
Dr. Seuss as Technical Writer – Dr. Seuss as Technical Writer If a packet hits…
How Do You Catch? – How do you catch a unique animal? You ‘neak up…
Free Sex with Fill Up – Two good ol’ boys were driving down the road…
Cheatin’ Johnny – In class one day, Mr. Johnson pulled Johnny over to his desk…
Newlyweds – A young couple got married and left on their honeymoon. When they got…
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