Dirty Jokes

Happy woman

When married there are 3 types of sex: at first it’s “all room” sex. Then after kids, it’s “bedroom” sex. The final stage is…

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child, boy, laugh

LifeSavers – What do LifeSavers do that men can’t? Come in 5 flavors!

man in red and black v neck shirt holding white cigarette stick

Canadian Style – Why do Canadians do it doggie-style? So they don’t miss the hockey…

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That Fly – What went through the fly’s mind as he hit the windshield? His…

laughter, laugh, fun

Pointless – Why fart and waste when you can burp and taste?

Woman Wearing White Swimsuit Lying Down on Back in Swimming Pool

Dirty Meal – A guy orders spaghetti in a restaurant. In the middle of eating…


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Joining the Colony – Did you hear about the man who joined a nudist colony?…

Yo Mama Refrigerator – Yo Mama is like a refrigerator. Meat goes in and out…

P. Diddy on a Diet – What dessert doesn’t Puff Daddy/P. Diddy eat any more?…

LSD Cocktail – Q: What do you get if you cross LSD with birth control?…