Dirty Jokes

Happy woman

When married there are 3 types of sex: at first it’s “all room” sex. Then after kids, it’s “bedroom” sex. The final stage is…

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a man with a green substance on his face

High Stakes – A man with an average handicap decides to play a round of…

woman in red and white floral shirt smiling

Four Legs – Q: What has four legs and barks?A: Siamese twins doing it doggy-style.

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Woman in Purple Hat

Winnie the Pooh – Question: Why does Tigger smell? Answer: You’d smell too if you…

A Joyous Woman

Bug’s Mind – What is the last thing to go through a bug’s mind when…

Group of People Drinking Beer and Having Fun

Blonde Waitress Warmer – A married couple go to a restaurant. A blonde waitress takes…


More Jokes

Pervert Psychiatrist – This guy goes to a psychiatrist. The doctor shows him an inkblot…

A.T.R. – A man on a plane asked the stewardess if he could use the…

Women in Heaven – Q: Why do only 40% of men go to Heaven?A: If…