Dirty Jokes
When married there are 3 types of sex: at first it’s “all room” sex. Then after kids, it’s “bedroom” sex. The final stage is…
Two elderly men, who had been without enjoyment for years,…
Monica vs. the Rest of America – Q: What’s the…
Jock Booty Call… My Handler – Hey babe, I’d like you to be my ball…
3 Richard – Three penises were talking to each other and the first one said,…
Jock Booty Call… Receiver – Hey babe, will you be my receiver? High five!
Mopeds and Fat Ladies – What do mopeds and fat ladies have in common? They’re…
The Midget – Did you hear about the midget that went into the whorehouse? He…
Washington Booty Call… Revolution – I cannot tell a lie. You’ve started a revolution in…
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Pretty Hair – A guy admired the hair of three girls. He walked by one…
Always Bring the Fingers – A man working with an electric saw accidentally saws off…
Mario LeMieux and Courtney Love – What do Mario LeMieux and Courtney Love have in…
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Laughter is the Best Medicine – Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine. I…
Irish Fun – Did you hear about the 25 Irish people that drowned? They were…
Afghani Joe – What’s the most famous coffee in Afghanistan? Osama bin Latte
A Little Head – This guy with a really small head walks into a bar.…
Hole in the Wall – A man took a poop in a gas station and…
None – What kind of fish does a priest eat? Nun!
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