Dirty Jokes
When married there are 3 types of sex: at first it’s “all room” sex. Then after kids, it’s “bedroom” sex. The final stage is…
Two elderly men, who had been without enjoyment for years,…
Giant Underwater Bottom Feeder – What weighs 2000 pounds and…
Pirate Booty Call… Whale – How’d ya like to breach my sperm whale? Yar!
The Answer – A chicken and an egg are lying in bed. The chicken takes…
Walks Into a Bar… South American Toad – A young guy walks into a bar.…
The Squirrels – One day little Bill was playing in the sand out of the…
Late AGAIN – A kid was late for school one day. "I had to take…
The Cross-Eyed Cow – One day, a farmer was tending to his livestock when he…
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Rocky Mountain Oysters – Did you here about the man that died from eating Rocky…
Yo’ Mama Is So Fat… Mattress – Yo’ Mama is so fat, she uses a…
That’s Meaty – A man walked in to his local butcher to find his regular…
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Ash Blonde – How did the blonde die raking leaves? She fell out of the…
Walks Into a Bar… Got Grapes? – A duck walks into a bar and asks,…
Penguin Delivery – A bus driver on his route sees a van from the zoo…
Medieval Booty Call… Trick – My first trick as a wizard is to make your…
Clocks – Hillary Clinton died and went to Heaven. St. Peter was giving her a…
Hillary Clinton’s Surprise – Hillary Clinton goes in for her annual gynecological exam. The doctor…
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