Dirty Jokes
When married there are 3 types of sex: at first it’s “all room” sex. Then after kids, it’s “bedroom” sex. The final stage is…
Two elderly men, who had been without enjoyment for years,…
Blondes and Computers – Q: How are blondes and computers…
In the Name of the Father – A twenty-five-year-old man walks into a bar and…
Skunked – A fellow always wanted to own a pet skunk, so in the dead…
Shop At WalRusMart – What do a walrus and tupperware have in common? They both…
Bin Laid – How does Osama bin Laden practice safe sex? He marks the camels…
Sleeping Squirrel – Why did the squirrel sleep on his stomach? To keep his nuts…
Mole Removal – Did you hear about the redneck who went to the hospital to…
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69 Virgin – An Alabama man turned 18 and went to a local house of…
Honeymooners – One day, a man was fishing on a dock across from a hotel…
What is funnier than a zombie baby hanging… – What is funnier than a zombie…
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The Little Girl and the Wrinkles – A little girl is sitting on her grandpa’s…
Yo’ Mama Is So Stupid… Beepers – Yo’ Mama is so stupid, she calls beepers…
Yo’ Mama Is So Fat… Rolls – Yo’ Mama is so fat, she’s got more…
Geek Booty Call… Rating – The thoughts I’m having about you are rated M for…
Nursing Home – Did you hear that nursing homes are starting to give Viagra to…
Tank Girl – How do you stop a blonde tank? Shoot the people pushing it!
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