Dirty Jokes
When married there are 3 types of sex: at first it’s “all room” sex. Then after kids, it’s “bedroom” sex. The final stage is…
Two elderly men, who had been without enjoyment for years,…
You Did What With A What? – A woman went…
The Queen – Once upon a time, there was a king who thought that his…
Bar: Thirsty Cowboy – A cowboy bursts into a bar and says to the bartender,…
Viking Booty Call… Tundra – Hey baby, let me warm your frozen tundra.
Gourmet Booty Call… Meat – My meat is Grade A.
Six Shots of Jagermeister – A young man sits down at a bar and says,…
Grandma’s Racy New Panties – An old woman buys herself some bright red crotchless panties…
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Pit Bull with Herpes – Q: What’s meaner than a pit bull with herpes? A:…
Yo’ Mama Is So Nasty… Fresh Crabs – Yo’ Mama is so nasty, she put…
Deaf and Dumb Kid – What did the deaf and dumb kid get for Christmas?…
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The Twinkie Joke – A 14-year-old girl walks into a hairdresser’s shop with a Twinkie…
Yo mama’s So Fat – Yo’ mama so fat, that when she wears a yellow…
Cab Driver’s Nun Fantasy – A nun gets into a cab, and the cab driver…
Walks Into a Bar… Drunk Nose – A nose walks into a bar and asks…
Yo’ Mama Is So Bald… Rollers – Yo’ Mama is so bald, she has to…
Some Character – Where do the characters go when I use my backspace or delete…
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