Country Jokes

A Happy Couple Sitting Close Together on the Floor

After many years of marriage, I think my wife still…

a group of people sitting around a table with drinks

Randy Rooster – A farmer buys a rooster to service his 200 hens. When he…

a man with a green substance on his face

F-A-R-M – How does a blonde spell "farm?" E-I-E-I-O!!

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Woman Wearing White Swimsuit Lying Down on Back in Swimming Pool

Little Girls – Why don’t little girls fart? Because they don’t have assholes until they’re…


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Newspaper Clippings – Washer. Owned by clean bachelor who seldom washed — $100.Snow blower for…

Wake up, Stand up – A woman wakes up one morning and open the blinds.…

Chicago Bears Bashing – Q: Did you hear the new penalty for speeding in Illinois?A:…