Country Jokes
A country rube is about to get married and he asks his Pa,“Pa, how can I tell if I’m the first feller Norma Sue…
West Virginia Ghosts – A visiting professor at the University…
Bird Brained – Two Irishmen walk into a pet shop. Right away they go to…
F-A-R-M – How does a blonde spell "farm?" E-I-E-I-O!!
Jet Fuel Alcoholics – Two airplane mechanics named Bob and Tim work at Atlanta airport.…
West Virginia’s Yearly Confusion – Q: What is the most confusing day in West Virginia?A:…
Taxing Profession – A woman goes to an accountant to file her taxes.The accountant says,…
Farmer and the Cow – A farmer was in a bar drinking and looking all…
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Mommy, Mommy! – "Mommy, Mommy! Where have all your scabs gone?" "Shut up and eat…
Jungle Gaiety – What do you call a sex-crazed gay cannibal? A head hunter!
Cuz Penguins Drive Cars – It’s a really hot day and this penguin is having…
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Dragons – A father has three daughters that are all getting married on the same…
Legless on the Beach – A man with no legs is lying on the beach,…
The Fishing Spot – One day Bob and Bubba went fishing. They were catching a…
Little Johnny is Number One – While the teacher was conducting her class, Little Johnny…
Blonde Crossing – Why did the blonde have tire tread marks on her back? From…
Ford HippoVan – How do you get a hippopotamus in a mini-van? Kick one of…
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