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    Country Jokes

    A Happy Couple Sitting Close Together on the Floor

    After many years of marriage, I think my wife still…

    a person sitting on a couch with a laptop

    Mad Cows – Two cows were talking in the field. One cow says, "Have you…

    Laughing Bedouin in Desert

    North vs. South – The North has sun-dried toe-mah-toes The South has ‘mater samiches The…

    man in red sweater wearing black framed eyeglasses

    Double Wide – Q: What is a double-wide salad? A: It’s for people who can’t…

    Man in Blue Beanie Laughing

    Promography – It was the night of prom, and Sally didn’t have a date. Her…

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    Photo of a Woman in a Red Hoodie Laughing

    That’s tacky – A pollock walks into a pharmacy and asks the pharmacist if he…

    child, boy, laugh

    Fired From Sperm Bank – Q: Why did the gay man get fired from his…

    Women in White Wedding Dresses Laughing

    Genie in a bottle – There was this man walking on the beach and he…


    More Jokes

    Sexual Hair-assment – This lady walks into her boss’s office one day and says, "Sir,…

    Why Men Snore – Q: Why do men snore when they lie on their backs?A:…