Celebrity Jokes
Putin dies and goes to hell. He’s zapped in and finds himself standing with a group of people drinking coffee and up to their…
Energizer Bunny – What happens when you put the Energizer…
Blonde Joke – Want to hear three blonde jokes? Listen…
Stevie Wonder’s Wife – Q: Have you ever seen Stevie Wonder’s wife?A: Neither has he.
Dennis Rodman Ejected – Why did Dennis Rodman get kicked out of the game? Because…
Bob Dole – Q:What does Bob Dole and the Empire State building have in common?…
Gary Glitter – Q: What’s the difference between Gary Glitter and acne? A: Acne doesn’t…
Bush & the Blackboard – George W. Bush was giving a third-grader a lesson on…
Humming Bees – Q: Why do bees hum?A: They don’t know the words.
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Did you hear….? – Did you hear about the man who drank 5 gallons of…
American Divorce – If a man and a woman get married in Texas and move…
Big Girl With Yeast Infection – Q: What do you call a 900-pound woman with…
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Geek Booty Call… Droid – Are you the droid I’m looking for?
Bald and Penis-Like – You are so bald, that when you wear a turtleneck, you…
Perfect Man, Perfect Woman – There was a perfect man and a perfect woman. They…
The Devil and Your Dad’s Profession – Three guys die and go to Hell.Satan asks…
Yo’ Mama Is So Fat… Blood Type – Yo’ Mama is so fat, her blood…
Mario LeMieux and Courtney Love – What do Mario LeMieux and Courtney Love have in…
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