Celebrity Jokes
Putin dies and goes to hell. He’s zapped in and finds himself standing with a group of people drinking coffee and up to their…
The Squirrels – One day little Bill was playing in…
The Lyin’ King – What’s the difference between Simba and…
George W. and Moses – George W. Bush was passing through an airplane terminal and…
Barbie’s Hygiene – Q: What does Barbie use as a tampon?A: A Tic-Tac.
Star Trek: Riker’s Death – Why did Riker die in the battle? Picard ordered to…
Cubist Poo – Who is the famous artist with brown fingers? Pic-ass-o.
Dirty Tigger! – Why is Tigger always so dirty? Because he plays with Pooh!
Ron Howard’s New Movie – Have you heard about Ron Howard’s new movie — a…
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Seek and Ye Shall Find… – On a senior citizens bus tour, while the passengers…
Pitching a Tent – Little gay Johnny asks Billy, "If you went camping and woke…
Just Depends – Two old people flirt at a seniors’ singles bar. After a few…
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Magic Fingers – While watching TV with his wife, a man tosses peanuts into the…
Michael Jackson and Santa – Q: What do Michael Jackson and Santa have in common?A:…
Cross the Road… Blind Blonde – Q: Why did the blind blonde cross the road?A:…
Dr. Doctor – Two doctors opened an office in a small town. They put up…
Yo’ Mama Is Like… Elevator – Yo’ Mama is like an elevator, you push the…
Yo’ Mama Is So Fat… Levi’s – Yo’ Mama is so fat, instead of wearing…
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