Blonde Jokes

mailbox joke

As the man was getting ready to edge the lawn, this woman came out again, walked to the mailbox, opened it, and then shut…

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Man in Red Crew Neck Shirt Wearing Black Framed Sunglasses

Eating the Oldies – A: What does 70-year-old p***y taste like? A: Depends.

Gum – Why did God give women belly buttons? For somewhere to stash your gum…

man in red crew neck t-shirt

Overbite – Q: How can you tell if you have an overbite?A: When you’re eating…


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Dad Eats Lightbulbs – Little Johnny has to write a story about someone in his…

Lunch is back – Q: Why do blondes need see through lunch boxes A: So…

Crossin’ the River – A Kentucky redneck and an Ohio buckeye are night fishing on…

Castration – Doc, says Steve, "I want to be castrated.""What on Earth for?""It’s something I’ve…