Blonde Jokes

mailbox joke

As the man was getting ready to edge the lawn, this woman came out again, walked to the mailbox, opened it, and then shut…

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a man with a green substance on his face

F-A-R-M – How does a blonde spell "farm?" E-I-E-I-O!!

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Chillin’ Biddies – One day three old ladies were sitting on a park bench and…

woman covering her mouth

Definition of Agony – Agony: a one-armed man hanging off a cliff with itchy balls.


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Seasick – Mr. Johnson’s wife of 50 years suggested they take a cruise: "We could…

Lawyers vs. Buffalo – Q: What’s the difference between a lawyer and a herd of…

Cheating – A woman was in bed having sex with her husband’s friend, when all…