Blonde Jokes

mailbox joke

As the man was getting ready to edge the lawn, this woman came out again, walked to the mailbox, opened it, and then shut…

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Happy Woman

Brainy Blonde – What do you call a blond with two brain cells? ”PREGNANT”

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Young Woman Laughing

Genie-wine – While he was rooting around in the basement, a man found a magic…

People Laughing Together

Girl on Tracks – One evening, a man goes home after an unsuccessful night looking…


More Jokes

Nurse Doctor Doctor Nurse – Nurse: Doctor, Doctor, there’s an invisible man in the waiting…

Blonde – Transplant – How do you give a blonde a brain transplant? Blow in…

NASCAR – What does NASCAR stand for? Non Athletic Sport Created Around Rednecks

Blonde and Prawn – What do blondes and shrimps have in common? Their heads are…

Talking in Numbers – Q: Why is six afraid of seven? A: Because seven ate…