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    Blonde Jokes

    mailbox joke

    As the man was getting ready to edge the lawn, this woman came out again, walked to the mailbox, opened it, and then shut…

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    Grayscale Photo of Woman Laughing While Sleeping on Plants

    Blonde Titanic – Q: Whats the difference between a blond and the Titanic? A: They…

    Man in Red Polo Shirt

    Dim Bulb – How many blondes does it take to screw in a lightbulb? 1,…

    A Joyous Woman

    Blonde in Motion – What is blonde-brunette-blonde-brunette-blonde-brunette. A blonde doing cartwheels.

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    Laughing Children in Garden

    A Crappy Trait – Q: Why is diarrhea hereditary?A: Because it runs in your genes.

    Low Angle Photo of Smiling Woman Wearing Crop Top

    Broiled TP – Do you know how to cook toilet paper? Brown it on one…

    man in red and black v neck shirt holding white cigarette stick

    Rosebud – There was a young woman who lived with her grandmother. One night, the…


    More Jokes

    Two Guns Gonzales – A man walks into a bar one day and asks the…

    Cubist Poo – Who is the famous artist with brown fingers? Pic-ass-o.