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    Blonde Jokes

    mailbox joke

    As the man was getting ready to edge the lawn, this woman came out again, walked to the mailbox, opened it, and then shut…

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    man in red crew neck t-shirt

    Autoblonde – Q: What do a blonde and a car have in common? A: They…

    People Laughing Together

    Blonde Tattoo – Q: Why did the blonde tattoo her apartment number on her stomach?A:…

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    A Woman with Lipstick on her Face

    Why Men Snore – Q: Why do men snore when they lie on their backs?A:…

    Fifi and Maria – Two guys always catch the train to work together; one is…


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    Donkey-Onion Hybrid – Q: What do you get when you cross donkey DNA with an…

    Duuuuh Dumb Jock – He’s such a dumb jock, that when he was driving to…

    Sneezy – "Doctor, everytime I sneeze I have an orgasm!" "Are you doing anything for…

    Blonde…Hair Up – Why do blondes wear their hair up? To catch everything that goes…