Animal Jokes
A powerful Emperor advertised for a new Chief Samurai. Only three applied for the job: a Japanese, a Chinese and a Jewish Samurai. LNumber…
A stranger enters a store and spots a sign: DANGER!…
Fish On The Wall – What did the fish say…
Wailing Whale – What do you do with a blue whale? Cheer it up!
Turkey Crosses the Road – Why did the turkey cross the road? To prove that…
Kid and Animals – There was this teacher who was teaching young kids the different…
Sheepish – What do you call a West Virginian which a sheep under each arm?…
Migrating Birds – Q: Why do birds fly south for the winter?A: It’s too far…
The Magician and the Parrot – A magician on a cruise ship was performing one…
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Dirty Cowboy Mustache – Q: Why did the cowboy have sh*t in his mustache?A: ‘Cuz…
Little Johnny… Peanut – Little Johnny comes home one day and says, "Mom! Little Mark…
Rubbed the Wrong Way – A young, innocent couple goes on their honeymoon. They get…
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The Lucky Salesman – A woman goes into a adult toy shop to buy a…
Yo Mama’s so Stank…Breath – Yo’ mama’s breath so nasty, I don’t know whether to…
Searching for the Perfect Man – A woman got married, but her husband was abusive.She…
The Blonde Hostess – Why did the blonde have empty beer cans in her fridge?…
Yo’ Mama Is So Old… Yearbook – Yo’ Mama is so old, Cleopatra signed her…
Lincoln Booty Call… Unite – Baby, let’s unite the way I united the North and…
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