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    Man in Blue Beanie Laughing

    Animal Jokes

    A powerful Emperor advertised for a new Chief Samurai. Only three applied for the job: a Japanese, a Chinese and a Jewish Samurai. LNumber…

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    Man Wearing Blue Cap and White Shirt

    Inky Pig – Why did the pig have ink all over his face? Because it…

    Close-up Photography of a Blond Woman

    BB Boys – A mother is making a cake for her three sons when she…

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    a woman sitting at a table with a cell phone

    Bed Football – An old man was in bed with his wife when suddenly he…

    Close-up Portrait of a Smiling Woman with Eyeglasses

    Brainfart – How do you know when a blonde has a brain fart? Her ears…


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    Marry a Teacher – Three couples marry and stay at the same hotel for their…

    Lawyer in a Tree – Q: How do you get a lawyer down from a…

    Ceramic Guys – What do guys and ceramic tiles have in common? Lay them right…

    Forget Me Not – I never forget a face, but in your case I’ll make…