Animal Jokes
A powerful Emperor advertised for a new Chief Samurai. Only three applied for the job: a Japanese, a Chinese and a Jewish Samurai. LNumber…
A stranger enters a store and spots a sign: DANGER!…
Who Let The Blondes Out? – How many blondes does…
Fishin’ or Buggery? – There was this man who had a dog. Every Sunday morning…
Capon Fear – Why was the chicken afraid of the chicken? Far from being a…
Parrot-Prostitutes – A woman went to her priest with a problem. "Father, I have two…
Tatonka – There was an Indian chief who wanted to show his son the way…
Walks Into a Bar… Three Tests – A new guy in town walks into a…
Leopard vs. Poodle – A wealthy old lady decides to go on a photo safari…
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Late Cannibal – Did you hear about the cannibal who came home late for dinner?…
Pumpkin Pumper Pumped For Info – Police arrested Joe Bloggs, a 27-year old white male…
Out of T.P. – A sexy lady in a bar walks up to the counter…
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Yo Mama’s so stupid… supermarket – Yo’ mama so stupid, she got locked in a…
Visiting Grandma – Mommy, mommy, I don’t want to visit grandma today!"Shut up and keep…
Bin Laden vs Aladdin – What’s the difference between bin Laden and Aladdin? Aladdin had…
You Need Elephant Muscles – Jack tells his doctor how he can no longer sustain…
Hot Babe in Bar – A hot babe goes into a bar and orders a…
The Classic Joke That Sucks – Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A:…
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