Bubba’s Secret – A bunch of guys are sitting at the local bar. They get pretty drunk, and the topic turns to Bubba at the end of the bar who, as everyone knows, has the biggest dick in town. One of the guys gets enough courage to go up to Bubba and ask him why he’s got the biggest schlong around. “Well,” says Bubba, “every night before bed, I tug on my dick and tap it on the bedpost three times.” “That’s it?” asks the drunk. “Yup,” says Bubba. So the guy goes home and quietly slips into his bedroom, pulls out his thing, tugs, and taps it on the bedpost three times. Suddenly his wife wakes up and says, “Bubba, is that you?”
Saturday, February 8
Bubba’s Secret
Dirty Jokes 1 Min Read
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