He orders a beer, takes a drink, and says to the bartender, “I’ve just spent three hours at me wife’s grave.”
The bartender says, “I’m sorry for your loss.”
The man says, Aye, bless ‘er heart, she thinks I’m digging a swimming pool.”
Astronaut Booty Call… Crater – My unit would like to explore your crater.
Head Room – Q: How do you give a blonde more head room? A: Adjust…
This Joke Hurts – A brunette goes to the doctor and says, "Everywhere I touch…
Duuuuh Dumb Jock – He’s such a dumb jock, that when he was driving to…
Yo mama’s So Stupid…Wall – Yo’ mama so stupid, she climbed over a glass wall…
Boys & Girls – What is the difference between a boy and a girl? A…
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