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Viagra Slogans – 10. The quicker picker upper! 9. One a day, like iron! 8.…

Ass-icons – regular ass(_!_)fat ass(__!__)tight ass(!)flat ass(_._)bubble ass(_^_)sore ass(_*_)lop-sided ass(_!__)swishy ass{_!_}surprised ass(_o_)ass that’s been around(_O_)kiss…

The Height of Noise – Q: What is the height of noise?A: Two skeletons f**king…

Clinton’s Sex Poll – When asked if they would have sex with Bill Clinton, 86%…

Bob Dole – Q:What does Bob Dole and the Empire State building have in common?…

Osama is Celebate – Why doesn’t Osama bin Laden have sex with his five wives?…